A Lot About You – A Little About Me

A Lot About You

Has your heart been broken by a partner’s sexual betrayal caused from damaging behaviors like pornography, emotional or physical affairs, sex addiction, sexual or intimacy anorexia? If so, I am here to tell you – there is hope for you. My heart’s passion and coaching focus is for you to find healing and renewal for your broken hearts so you will live life, loving again.

Lives and dreams now lay shattered by the discovery of such behaviors; and hearts are broken. If you have experienced this betrayal, your hope in life may seem like a boat adrift; lost in a distant fog or worse. You may feel like everything you thought you knew, trusted in, or believed about your life and relationship is now shipwrecked on some unknown distant reef. My heart is for you if this is how you feel. Together we will chart a course to get your life to a place of peace and purpose.

A betrayed partner calls into question everything they thought was true about their life. In your search for answers, I will listen with compassion, validate the truths about your personal experiences and at times, challenge the lies that seek to disempower you.

In your journey of personal recovery you will embrace your values and set goals for your life that will be most meaningful to you. You will gain your peace back again in the midst of uncertain circumstances.  The dictionary defines recovery as: a return to a normal state of health, mind or strength…and in our time together we will focus on this return.

A Little About Me

The most intimate relationship in my life is with God. In my healing journey He has been the sustaining force in my life.  I love Christ deeply and know that He never has and never will abandon me, no matter what happens.  In His profound grace given to me, God has shown me over and over through the pain that He has a wonderful plan for my life.  I now know that I am completely accepted in the Beloved and the knowledge of this grounds me in knowing who I truly am – a daughter of the most high God.  I am precious and sought after by the King.  Let me assure you that these same truths are yours!

Betrayal tears at our very core’s sense of worth and value and seeks to steal the truth of who we are in Christ. As you read this, KNOW that you too are precious and sought after; a beautiful daughter of the King.

My Credentials

  • I am a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) certified through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).
  • My journey also led me to The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS) where I completed training in the Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model and received my designation as a Certified Partners Coach (APSATS-CPC).
  • Certificate of Completion in “Preparing Clients for the Disclosure Process” with Dan Drake and Janice Caudill.
  • I have completed training in the ERCEM (Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model) and am pursuing my Certified Empathy Specialist (CES) designation also.
  • I am a Brainspotting Practitioner (BSP).
  • I have attained a Certificate of Completion for Level I – DST (Deceptive Sexuality & Trauma) and am pursuant of the Level II Certificate of Completion – DSTT (Deceptive Sexuality & Trauma Treatment) in the Minwalla Model.
  • I am also pursuing certification as a Sexual Recovery Coach (SRC) in sexual addiction recovery and as a Partners Recovery Coach (PRC) with the American Association of Sex Addiction Therapy (AASAT).

Inspiring Passion2Live on Purpose™

To genuinely live passionately and on purpose, faith, hope and love is inspired through a deepening, intimate relationship with God. He will turn your pain into purpose.  As your personal healing and renewal coach let’s get started on your path to beginning again with newness and strength.

“You keep track of all my sorrows  You have collected all my tears in your bottle.  You have recorded each one in your book.”  Psalm 56: 8, NLT

What are some of the things we can look at addressing together?

  • Creating safety for your heart to heal
  • Learning how to set boundaries in your relationships will help you protect yourself from repeated pain
  • Assessing your most important values
  • Discovering what limiting beliefs hold you back from making your best decisions and dealing with those “gremlins.”
  • Dealing with triggers that seek to keep you from making forward movement in your recovery.
  • Addressing issues such as depression, isolation, shame and guilt, forgiveness, self-care and questions of faith
  • Successfully navigating through the multiple stages of grief and loss like shock, denial, anger, bargaining, sorrow and acceptance

Renew your life by finding you again.

Coach Mary Ellen, CPC, ELI-MP, APSATS-CPC; BSP; ERCEM Trained